To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf.

Virginia Woolf Image taken from: Virginia Woolf, London January 25th, 1882, - Lewes, Sussex, March 28, 1941), is considered one of the best English writers of all time, and one of the most representative modernist writers. Her real name was Adeline Virginia Stephen, a rich family member. However, She complained of having a limited education level just for being a woman. (at 16, she had access to the whole family library). Among her most important works are the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928). She also wrote important essays and plays. Critics considered her as an exceptional woman who knew how to draw the conflicts of the English society of the XX century and her own sufferings through her pen. She developed a literary style called self-reflection or inner consciousness. Unfortunately, Virgina made the fatal decision to jump into the Rive...